specerijstruik, winterbloeier tot max 2m50 groenbladige bladverliezende struik die  bloeit van december tot maart met crèmekleurige (wit tot geel) hangend klokje met rood hart geschikt als solitair in border elke goede tuingrond is geschikt in zon of halfschaduw.

10.19 € 10.19 EUR 10.19 €

0.00 €

  • Size
  • In stock
  • Height
  • Flowering time
  • Flowering color
  • Properties
  • Growth rate

This combination does not exist.

Collection of orders from September through June: (to be ordered until Tuesday 16:00h)
Wetteren: every Friday afternoon in between 14:00h and 18:00h
Lochristi: every Saturday morning between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. (from October until med-may)
We have no home delivery service, only pickup by the customer at depot possible.